ABN Amro Bond Fund extends its NFO closing date

22 Oct 2008 | 10:14

ABN Amro Bond Fund extends its NFO closing date

ABN Amro Mutual Fund extended the closing date of New Fund Offer period
of ABN Amro Bond Fund, an open -ended income scheme. NFO price for the
fund is Rs 10 per unit.

per the announcement the closing date of the scheme has been extended
to 27 October 2008. Earlier the scheme was supposed to close on 22
October 2008. The new fund launched for fresh subscription on 29
September 2008.


The investment objective
of the scheme is to generate income and capital gains through
investments in a portfolio of debt and money market instruments.

scheme offers two plans viz. regular and institutional plan, which will
have two sub-options of growth and dividend options. The dividend
option offers dividend payout and dividend reinvestment facilities. The
scheme offers dividend options with frequency of fortnightly, monthly,
quarterly, half yearly, yearly option.

The minimum investment
amount under regular plan is Rs. 5,000 and in multiples of Re 1
thereafter. Under institutional plan, the minimum investment amount is
Rs. 1 crore and in multiples of Re 1 thereafter.

There will be no entry load under the scheme.

investment below Rs 1 crore, the scheme carries an exit load of 1.00%
for the investment redemptions / switched out within 6 months from date
of investment. No load will be applicable if investment units get
redeemed / switched out after 6 months from date of investment. While
repurchase/switch out of Rs 1 crore and above does not carry an exit

CRISIL Composite Bond Fund Index is the benchmark index for
the scheme. Alok Singh and Sukanya Ghosh will be fund managers for the


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