133 Equity mutual funds outperformed Sensex

133 Equity mutual funds outperformed Sensex

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Equity mutual funds as a class posted an average return of 31.71%, outperforming the Sensex return of 30.28%, over the one-year period ended 5 March 2008. Of the 257 equity schemes, 122 exceeded the category average of 31.71% in the one-year period, while 133 outperformed the Sensex that is posted 30.28%. The topper was Reliance Diversified Power Sector (G) with 98.97% return.

In the equity category, the diversified categories and tax planning, and Mid cap outperformed the Sensex, giving a category average of 33.35%, 33.77and 30.32% respectively while FMCG under performed the Sensex by recording 23.93% category average during the same time period. In the equity diversified category, out of the 140 schemes, 65 exceeded the category average of 33.35%, while 78 outperformed the Sensex return of 30.28%, over the one-year period ended 5 March 2008. Stan Chart Premier Equity Fund with growth option ranked the first position, with 71.13% return, followed by Reliance Regular Savings Fund - Equity (G) with 70.14% return. DWS Investment Opportunity Fund (G) secures the third position with 67.00% in 1-year period.


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